哲学・宗教学・歴史学・地域文化 - 7

Pūrvāparaprajñābhinandanam: East and West, past and present: Indological and other essays in honour of Klaus Karttunen

Pūrvāparaprajñābhinandanam: East and West, past and present: Indological and other essays in honour of Klaus Karttunen
著者名 Bertil Tikkanen & Albion M. Butters,
出版社名 Finnish Oriental Society
言語 English
ISBN 9789519380766
価格 5,890 yen(税込)
備考 Studia Orientalia, 110


Vajravali of Abhayakaragupta, 2Volumes

Vajravali of Abhayakaragupta, 2Volumes
著者名 Masahide Mori
出版社名 The Institute of Buddhist Studis
言語 English
ISBN 9780953937318
価格 11,970 yen(税込)


The Buddhist Forum, Volume VI

The Buddhist Forum, Volume VI
著者名 Tadeusz Skorupski
出版社名 The Institute of Buddhist Studies
言語 English
ISBN 0951542486
価格 4,690 yen(税込)


A unique collection of twenty Sʀtras in a Sanskrit manuscript from the Potala. Volume I/1&2

A unique collection of twenty Sʀtras in a Sanskrit manuscript from the Potala. Volume I/1&2
著者名 TSENG Vinitia
出版社名 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
言語 English
ISBN 9783700169062
価格 16,400 yen(税込)


Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis : Proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference

Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis : Proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference
著者名 Krasser, Helmut
出版社名 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
言語 English
ISBN 9783700170006
価格 10,790 yen(税込)
備考 Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens ; 69


Kumārila on Truth, Omniscience and Killing , Part 1-2

Kumārila on Truth, Omniscience and Killing , Part 1-2
著者名 Kataoka, Kei
出版社名 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
言語 English
ISBN 9783700170013
価格 13,290 yen(税込)


Studien zur Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata : Texte und Quellen der Parallelen zu Haribhattas Jatakamala

Studien zur Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata : Texte und Quellen der Parallelen zu Haribhattas Jatakamala
著者名 Martin Straube
出版社名 Harrassowitz, 2009
言語 English
ISBN 9783447060929
価格 € 58.00


Translating Buddhist Chinese: Problems and Prospects

Translating Buddhist Chinese: Problems and Prospects
著者名 Herausgegeben von Meisig, Konrad
出版社名 Harrassowitz, 2010
言語 English
ISBN 9783447062671
価格 € 38.00


Breaking Boundaries with the Goddess: New Directions in the Study of Saktism: Essays in Honor of Narendra Nath

Breaking Boundaries with the Goddess: New Directions in the Study of Saktism: Essays in Honor of Narendra Nath
著者名 Cynthia Ann Humes (ed.), Rachel Fell McDermott (ed.)
出版社名 Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2008
言語 English
ISBN 9788173047602
価格 3,845 yen(税込)


Index to the Saṃyutta-Nikāya

Index to the Saṃyutta-Nikāya
著者名 S.Kasamatsu, Y.Kawasaki, M.Yamazaki and Y.Ousaka (comp.)
出版社名 The Pali Text Society
言語 English
ISBN 9780860134893
価格 9,560 yen(税込)


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